Seek and you will find

Thursday, July 4, 2013

You Might Have A NICU Kid If...

How can you tell if you have a NICU kid? Are you wondering why your baby does the weird things he or she does and if it's possible they've spent some time in Baby Prison? Don't worry. There are easy ways to tell the NICU-ers from the non-NICU-ers:

If you've ever said the phrase, "Honey, don't forget to plug the baby in," you might have a NICU kid.

If you have to reassure frightened children that the beeping they hear isn't a bomb, you might have a NICU kid.

If you own more than three rolls of medical tape and wait for it to go on sale, you might have a NICU kid.

If your response to someone wanting to know the age of your child is "It depends," you might have a NICU kid. 

If your spouse reminds you it's time to take your baby to the doctor and you're not sure if it's the cardiologist, ophthalmologist, or the "regular" doctor, you might have a NICU kid. 

If your fridge is half-filled with baby bottles and the other half is filled with prescription meds, you might have a NICU kid.

If you have a sign on your stroller warning people that touching your child will bring about a swift death, you might have a NICU kid.

If you plan on staying indoors and never speaking to a single soul for the entire winter season, you might have a NICU kid.

If the only other parents you see are NICU parents that also Lysol their house on a daily basis, you might have a NICU kid. 

If you can watch tv while a shrill beep goes off in your ear for twenty minutes and still follow the plot of your show, you might have a NICU kid.

If you've ever said the phrase, "Don't worry; he'll breathe again in a second," you might have a NICU kid.

And if you can load a stroller, oxygen tank, monitors, car seat, and baby into your van in five minutes or less, you definitely have a NICU kid.

These are just some of the signs. The NICU baby can be elusive and hard to spot. Please spread the word and add your own signs.


  1. Oh my gosh Kristen. I just found your blog today and I have to say I could not stop laughing.

    My micro preemie NICU babies (twins) are ten now, but I remember all of this. It is good that you still have your humor intact. It will help you through your journey.

    I am bookmarking your blog. Loved the sign on the stroller bit. Since we had two preemies with all their stuff we had two strollers. People would always ask if they were twins. One day my husband could not resist and told this lady, "Nope the other one is my baby's monkey."

    Keep smiling!

    1. Thanks so much for reading! And the monkey thing made me laugh out loud! My friend has twins, too, and when people ask her she just tells them she likes lugging around an extra car seat and double stroller for fun.
